White Papel Organic Body Wash Gel For Children And Babies.
Hello, everybody ! This time, I will review about body wash for children and babies. As we know that there are many body wash products such as shower gel or cream. Anyway, which one is suitable for our children either shower gel or cream? The principle of section for body wash products is not difficult. I recommend you to choose body wash products based on the skin of your children. You should buy the product carefully. Body wash products should be gentle for the skin,allergens free,safety and chemicals free such as SLS, which leads to eyes and skin irritation as well as carcinogen. Hence, I choose body wash products carefully to protect my children’s skin. I prefer the organic products because I can assure that it is no chemicals.
Today, I’, gonna review 4 organic body wash products for children and babies called White Papel which is a brand new with high quality products.
The first organic body wash product for children and babies is
1. White Papel Organic Body Wash Gel
White Papel Organic Body Wash Gel for children and babies : The product is shower gel extracted by various fruits including cucumber, guava, tamarind, pineapple and papaya. Its package is so adorable that make my children really happy and they enjoy taking a bath. The fragrance is fruity and not strong. It makes me impressive so much. I give it 10/10 scores!!! After testing with my baby, I pressed the gel into a bathtub, then I spouted water to get a lot of bubbles in the bathtub. I used this gel instead of bubble bath. This made my child enjoyable during taking a bath. However, if you press the gel on your hands, it will not be very bubbly. The organic baby shower gel is very easy to use and no stain on the skin. The skin is still moisturised. I have used it for a month. My baby’s skin is not dry anymore.
Organic Baby Shower Gel consists of Chamomile Cucumber extract of rice and goat’s milk.
- Chamomile Extract is Soothing and Refreshing Agent which refreshed the skin and it is suitable for sensitive skin.
- Guava is rich in vitamins A, B, C and potassium which is an antioxidant.
- Goat milk contains more Selenium than cow’s milk, reaching 27-28%. It protects skin from external damage to the skin.
- Rice Extract (Not wheat or whole grain allergic) is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. It has antioxidant properties that work better than vitamin E at five times and it is nourish a dry skin to make it moister.
White Papel Organic Body Wash Gel has been proven by dermatologists that it is suitable for sensitive skin and it does not contain any chemical substances such as Paraben. (It is defined by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of Thailand that Paraben is a preservative substance and it can be used with intensity at 0.3%, but the brand does not contain this substance on its products.) Silicone, Mineral Oil. , Alcohol and Phtalates
The second organic body wash product for children is
2. White Papel Organic Body Wash Foam
White Papel Organic Body Wash Foam is great as well. It comes with a pump on bottle. Children can help themselves easily during a bath time. The product is whipped foam with a little fragrance … I really like it. As I asked my children about its fragrance, they said that “It smells like fruits.”. It seems that my children love it too.
White Papel Organic Body Wash Foam is easy to use. It is not like other brands that it is difficult to wash out. It also moisturises my children’s skin. Their skin is more moisturiser during using the product for a month.
The qualification of White Papel Organic Body Wash Foam are
- Soft foam containing organic green tea to skin enrich.
- Goat milk extract which has a high Selenium to moisturise the skin.
- Easily wash out
- Adorable packaging
White Papel Organic Body Wash Foam: Price 375 Baht with 250 ml.
Both White Papel Organic Body Wash Gel and Foam can use for “Head to Toe”. It means that you can use it to wash from head to foot. Babies can use it for body and hair. A child who has longer hairs should use shampoo instead.
3. White Papel Organic Shampoo for Kids

The shampoo is clean and easily wash out. Hairs are soft after using the shampoo. Hairs are easily to comb through.
The properties of the shampoo are;
- Getting soft hairs without the use of conditioner.
- Plenty of protein from cocoon to enrich hairs.
- Plenty of soy protein providing healthy hairs without harmful chemicals
White Papel Organic Shampoo for Baby : Price 495 Baht with 400 ml.
The fouth product for children is
4. White Papel Organic Soothing Bottom Wash
At the first time, I heard about Organic Baby Bottom Wash Gel
What is it ?
How to use ?
Is it necessary ?
There are many questions in my mind because I have never used it with my 2 children. I have ever seen the kind of this product but it is for adults. Anyway, let me review you about White Papel Organic Soothing Bottom Wash.
Why do we need a gel to wash the baby bottom?
According to medical advice, it is better to use clean water to wash your bottom but it is not enough for baby. Have you ever face the situation that your babies shit while they are wearing a diaper for a long time until it’s fermentation. Shit will be dry with your babies’ bottom. When the shit sticks to the bottom, the smell is terrible. Perhaps, we use a soap to wash a baby shit but it might not be suitable for babies. As the skin of baby is sensitive and it is easy to irritate.
The qualification and benefits of White Papel Organic Soothing Bottom Wash
- Safety and suitable for sensitive skin
- Practicing baby to help themselves
- Safety when you was a shit on baby’s bottom.
- No chemicals
- Natural Neem Extract prevents bacteria, reduces redness or the inflammation of the skin caused by diaper rash. Or from frequent excretions.
- Suitable for babies and adults
- Be tested by dermatologists that it is suitable for sensitive skin
- It is recommended for babies who age 6 month+
As I researched the information deeply about White Papel Organic Soothing Bottom Wash, I can confirm that it is absolutely gentle and safety for babies. My youngest son still uses diapers and he pees on his diaper. I notice the smell of pee on his bottom when I change him a new diaper. Washing by using water is not clean enough because the smell still stick in his bottom. However, there is no smell on my son’s bottom anymore after I wash his bottom with an organic baby bottom wash gel.
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